A Guide on Internet User Monitoring

Internet User Activity Monitoring

As we all know, monitoring your employees is nothing new. Since the very beginning, this practice has been implemented for offline works as well. 

In each field, tracking the employee records plays an important role for on-site or office works. 

So what’s new in it?

Now, the practice has been modernized. With growing internet users and its dependency, monitoring internet users has become an indispensable aspect for any company and business.

Let’s know more about internet user monitoring systems.

What is Internet User Monitoring?

Internet monitoring is the use of computerized systems to automatically monitor, collect, stockpile, inspect and report the information and details about how an employee is performing the particular job.

Generally, monitoring is used to improve the productivity of employees to meet the need. Also, keeping track of activities makes the organization complete and accomplish the mission.

Only, the term monitoring can be defined as storage and checking of employee files and computer activities.

No matter whether the employees are working from the office or respective remote places, keeping a record of their duties and tasks should be a part of daily actions.

Employee Internet Usage and its Importance

Technology has increased our prolificacy in a good way by lessening our efforts and hard work on a research basis.

Now the scenario is changed by the technical world by converting hard work into smart work. It has been conceivable for people to work from home these days.

What is the work of Internet Usage Monitoring of an Employee?

Stay up to Date with Internet User Monitoring

This software is simply installed in the system which is to be used by the user and then after the setup procedures, e-mails and files of an individual are timely backed up for recovery purposes and updated for the same.

In addition to it, the network activities, such as login and logout times, generally come under log files which are kept by the network operating system. 

Here, all the web activity recordings are kept by default in the form of history files, cache, cookies, and logging times on the server, and also on the clients.

Upsides of a monitoring system generally provide the following statements for doing so:

  • Increase employee productivity
  • Security protection of confidential information
  • Increase in network execution
  • Supports in regulatory compliance
  • Helps in capacity and network plannings

Still, wondering how internet monitoring can uplift your business management and productivity?

Don’t be worried. Here you can peep in and check in detail on the same. 

A kind note for you: Consider reading the article, rather than regretting afterward.

Let’s have a glance at the below-mentioned points to clarify your queries on internet access and legalize forms.

Some unacceptable Internet Accesses

A Big NO For These Internet Accesses
  • Visiting Internet sites that may be offensive.
  • Usage of the Internet or e-mail for any other activity or personal usage.
  • Copyrighted materials without any prior concern of the copyright owner/admin.
  • Uploading or downloading commercial software or any copyrighted materials to any external or unauthorized parties.
  • Intentionally interfering with the normal operations of the network.
  • Propagation of computer or system viruses and derived high volume traffic, which substantially hinders others in their use of the network.
  • Wasting working hours on non-business activities.
  • Misusing time by playing games, streaming audio or video material is not beneficial to the organization. 
  • Reveal or publicize classified information which includes, 
  1. financial information of the company
  2. confidential particular client information
  3. marketing strategies
  4. databases of the company profile
  • Creating controversial issues through internet business platforms.
  • Company’s internet usage should only be done for professional works dedicated to the particular company.
  • Leaking any sort of executable files, including programs, applications, and so on. Downloading such content is only limited to IT Department personnel.

So what do you think? Can Internet user monitoring can create better privacy and security for your company?

From this article, we hope you have a clear vision of how it can boost your work field and protect your business from unethical access.

It can turn out to be one of the most powerful software to work with. It completely depends on you how you can make 100% use of it to increase your business as well as your employee’s productivity.

Valid Reasons For Using Stealth Monitoring Software

Today every work has become computer-based. From a kid of 1st standard to an employee of the company, everyone needs a computer and a strong internet connection for completing their task. 

Well, using technology for grooming skills, studying, and learning new things is a great opportunity, especially for the kids. But, have you ever thought about the darker side of the internet, and how to save kids from them?

Similarly, doing work on the computer in the offices has increased the efficiency of the workers, but how can employers stop employees from misusing the resources?

Well, you can’t manage any of the above cases smoothly without breaking down the neck. In order to manage such situations, you need to take the help of unique employee monitoring techniques like stealth mode.

To manage such situations, you need the help of technology named as stealth monitoring software.

A software which once installed in the computer system, runs in the background without revealing its presence and captures every single activity of the user.

Do you want to explore this software in depth? Alright, check this article till the end and explore how the stealth monitoring tool can help you as an employer and as a parent, one by one.

Stealth monitoring tool – To track employees’ productivity.

Employees are the building blocks of any organization. Their work for the company can make or break it. Though there are some lazy employees in the crowd of sincere ones, as the manager, is it your duty to see which employee is working seriously and which one is just breaking the chair.

Today, if you want to compete with the existing winning companies in your niche, you can’t focus only on providing proper facilities to the employees but also have to keep an eye on how they are utilizing it.

To see their performance and productivity while they are working on their computers, you need a proper employee monitoring tool. A tool that can track every single activity done by the user on his/her computer and provides you the result in a summarised form. 

For more information about Productivity management tools, then check you this video here:

Through this software –

  1. The managers can track time and see the hours spent by the employee on each project or client’s work. 
  2. Since the manager can track the time spent on the client’s work, it can help them to form payroll for the clients.
  3. The employer can get a complete glance at employee’s attendance, time spent on projects, their break times, leaves, and a lot more. 
  4. The organization can see the real-time engagement of the workers by taking screenshots at a regular time interval.
  5. The managers can see highly visited apps and websites by their employees. Hence by doing so, they can find the amount of time wasted by the employee in running unproductive websites. By doing so, the manager can find the loophole in productivity and fix it by alerting employees about his/her illegal behavior.

Stealth Monitoring Tool – To Save Children From The Internet’s Dark Side.

The second most important place where one needs to implant stealth monitoring software is on a kid’s computer at your home. It is because this internet monitoring software will run at the backend, record every desktop activity of your kid, and present it by making a complete report. 

Through this tool –

  1. The parents can watch websites and apps visited by their kids, along with the time spent on each website.
  2. They can block certain websites and apps which are found inappropriate or dangerous for the children.
  3. Parents can see the complete report of their kid’s real-time online activity in the form of a report at any time with any device having an internet connection.

Wrapping words

Stealth monitoring software is a one-stop solution for the managers and as well as parents to keep an eye on the computer activity of employees and kids, respectively. 

Hence if you also belong to any of the groups, it’s high time to opt for the right tracking tool for yourself and get things started.