Changing The HR Game With The New HR Analytics Software

Many companies have been evaluating business processes in various ways for decades, so analytics is nothing new. However, over the last decade, the term “analytics” has grown to represent something new, and it now refers to digital data collecting and processing that provides firms with insights into areas such as sales and marketing.

Businesses have been able to make more effective solutions as a result of being able to record this information digitally and evaluate it faster.

As you can see for the marketers Google Analytics has been a great help, for example, they can quickly determine which areas of their website are performing well, as well as how many people are accessing their site and from where they are coming. This data aids marketers in making changes that will increase sales and customer engagement.

Two principal technologies are making their way into the Human Resources field: big data and HR analytics. The power of HR analytics software and big data is forcing firms to abandon their reliance on “intuition” for any decision — as was the case previously — and instead make more educated and data-driven recruiting decisions. With the application of HR analytics, official choices have become more promising and accurate. 

That is exactly the reason why businesses are into management tools and seeking to invest in such tools and specialized personnel such as data scientists, statisticians, and analysts. People analytics is a high focus for 70% of business executives today.

Let’s start by defining HR analytics and big data for HR.

What Is HR Analytics? 

HR analytics is described as the study and collecting of workforce data in an organization to better understand its functionality and identify how it may be optimized to achieve organizational goals.

The human resources department has taken the charge of ensuring whether the employees are staying productive at work and having a pleasant work environment around them. The HR department typically retains a record of all candidates and employees who work with them for this purpose, giving them access to a big pool of data about their organization’s workforce.

Big data is a term used to describe a massive collection of data. It can be formal or unstructured, but the goal is to study the workforce so that better insights and hiring decisions may be made.

From a business aspect, big data enables a company to better manage its personnel and, in some cases, even increase its performance in order to achieve a higher return on investment.

In this way, HR becomes the organization’s data collector, gathering information on employees, hiring requirements, compensation, attrition.

Benefits of HR Analytics That Every Recruiter Must Know

Improving the employee experience: 

Using technologies like HR Onboarding software to analyze how strong an employee’s sense of belonging is, as well as what contributes to it, may assist enhance business culture and create a better work environment.

Streamlining corporate training and evaluations: 

Trainers can use HR analytics to design innovative ways for modifying courses and increasing staff productivity.

Improved Hiring Process: 

Once the organization has accumulated enough data to break down into patterns, it can use that data to improve its recruitment process faster and more efficiently.

Hiring managers will be aware of which roles in the organization require specific kinds of skill, individuals, backgrounds, and experience, as well as who will not be acceptable. Then it’s a lot easier to zero in on a specific talent pool.

Unified Employee Support: 

Companies can identify a resource that receives employee queries and returns the required information using HR analytics. This not only saves time for everyone but also unifies the strategy.

Despite these advantages, many businesses still believe that HR analytics is just about getting data on employee productivity. The actuality, on the other hand, is far from such simplistic notions. HR analytics solutions are designed to provide insights into each process by collecting data and using it to make informed decisions about how to enhance them.

A recent survey has stated that the companies are witnessing 8% high sales growth and 58% higher sales per employee with advanced HR analytics.

Final Words,

Human resource operations are made easier, simpler, and more effective with predictive analytics solutions. HR analytics software allows your company to transform unstructured, heterogeneous data into more holistic views of employee health, engagement, cultural fit, and productivity.

Understanding the employee equation does not have to be difficult — HR analytics may assist a company’s personnel chart a better path forward, which in turn helps the company construct a better business from the ground up.

And to know about EmpMonitor – Best Time Tracking Software | Productivity Management, visit:

Why Do Companies Need To Recognise Qualities Of Good Employees

Companies may consider their Research and Development, marketing, or even a patent as the asset of the company, but none is more valuable than the top employees.  

No doubt, your most hard-working employees forecast the success of your company. They are the most essential contributors to your company’s profit. The qualities of a good employee is what takes a company to its highest.

And thus it is in companies’ best interest to identify these employees and foster them. When employees have a strong work ethic, the entire company benefits. 

Why should companies value top employees?

Employees champion your business and determine its success or failure. Their work determines the value provided to customers and partners, so it is essential to treat your employees with the value they bring. They not only make up the company and its goods or services but they also are the first promoters of your company. Here are some of the top reasons you should value your employees. 

  • Essential to providing top services. 

Improving the quality and efficiency of work is a major priority of employers. The high productive employees provide the topmost services for the company.  

  • Employees are the face of an organization.

It goes without saying, a satisfied employee creates the best face of the company. What is more important is that an unhappy employee will lack motivation, which will eventually cost much heavily to your organization. 

  • The base of a strong and stable organization.

Organizations need to place emphasis and importance on the contribution that employees have in order to propel themselves ahead.

What qualities do top employees possess?

Identifying the top employees can be challenging, but knowing what characteristics to look for helps forecast employees’ success in the workplace. So how do you figure out who these employees are and what qualities make them stand out from the crowd? You don’t need any special skills to figure this out. Your company just needs to create a checklist of thumb rules needed in an employee. Check out the points below to find out! 

  • Possess Leadership Skills 

Employees with sound leadership spirits are the ones most suitable for your organization. They are the ones best suited for the long-term growth of your company. These leaders possess the potential to climb up the corporate ladder, fill future management positions, efficiently lead teams, train new team members, and boost workplace productivity. 

  • Excellent Communication Skills

Communication skills are an essential element in any employee. Whether you’re filling a sales role, management position, customer service role, or creative position, any position will require effective communication. It can easily make or break the face of any company.

  • Passionate

Passion makes a huge difference in an employee doing quality work and their commitment to the company. Any long-term, goal-oriented employee is committed to working. 

  • Strong Work Ethic

Employees possessing this trait stand out of any competition pool, can be trusted with increased autonomy, and the ones you want to stick around. 

How to keep your hard-working employees motivated?

  • Create a supportive work environment

As employees spend a major amount of their time in the office it is important for them to feel comfortable there to work productively. creating an environment where they feel encouraged and valued is important. 

  • Give prominence to teamwork

Through teamwork, employees learn to look at the larger picture instead of concentrating greedily on smaller gains for which they can take credit. It also fosters wisdom, loyalty, individualism, connection, and a healthy competitive spirit. 

  • Ensure employees experience job fulfilment

Lack of job satisfaction can be a major reason behind employees not giving their best to the work. Give employees the freedom to be innovative within their realm of work. Encourage them to create ways to make the job interesting on a day-to-day basis. This will ensure maximum productivity. Employers must also keep employee monitoring ethics in mind.

  • Give recognition to hard-working employees

Employees who work hard to provide value to the company will be motivated when their efforts are recognized and valued. Without validation, their motivation may die off. This is why it is important to monitor the productivity of employees. 

Also watch: Manage Remote Work Easily With Powerful Monitoring Software: EmpMonitor(EmpMonitor AV Ad)


A motivated workforce can create a major difference in success for your company. As motivated employees define the organization and its success, you should nurture such a workforce with effective motivation strategies. For the growth of any organization, it is important to encourage the good qualities of a good employee and keep them motivated. 

TimeBoxing: A Strong Ability To Increase Your Productivity!

Think for a minute about your natural strategy for conquering your to-do list.

Most people start with a task and then work on it until it’s completed. If you are like those, you will not allow yourself to go on until your earlier tasks are done – unless you are happy to cross it.

Next? You select a different task and repeat the same.

It’s a pretty standard way to do things,

Right? But ever wondered, is it always the most efficient?

What if one of the items on your to-do list is so big that it takes most of your time and you don’t have anything else to try and learn? Or what if you’re overwhelmed about one of those list items—and really can’t encourage yourself to begin? Timeboxing can let you grow, in such scenarios (and so many more!), without the extra strain of doing everything on that list.

What does time-boxing mean?

First of all, the strategy makes it easy and efficient to work. A person or a group of individuals working systematically to reach a particular goal is a defined length of time.

The approach of this technique is to conclude work when the deadline is met and examine what’s done. Somewhat than continuing until the target is fulfilled and assessing the time spent.

In simple words, you plan how much time you are spending on a task before you finish it, rather than working on duty before it’s done (and even where).

Time-boxing advantages

There are several advantages to using time-boxing to manage everyday work and assign labor. Deadlines strengthen the focus and creativity of some people, mainly when they are tilting people because time restrictions compel them to ignore distractions and give preference to their tasks.

If you’re a maladaptive perfectionist, you could spend a lot of time analyzing your choice paralysis or fight to sign up for plans unless you are sure that they are free of errors. It can lead to duties that affect the remainder of the day. Time-boxing helps examine all trends of perfection and minimizes the time you spend on low-value activities.

It could be due to multitasking that you struggle to concentrate during the day. Most of us discover that when we transition between things constantly, we lose time. However, time-boxing narrows your concentration to one action, and once you have done each activity, you know that you will switch activities.

Time-boxing drawings

It may not be acceptable for everyone to use time-boxing to manage their workload. For example, while you’re in the flow it may be difficult to stop and transition to another job because you worry about losing your thinking. And because of frequent interruptions such as telephone calls or impromptu talk stopping colleagues, it may be hard for you to stay on schedule.

In addition, some jobs are done to a high standard of quality as long as they last. Time-boxing can make you rush, which means you’re failing in your goal.

Finally, there is a danger that you cannot set your timeboxes for the necessary duration of time. If it’s below you can not do much. It is too long, till the conclusion of the period you could lose focus or delay. Take a look at your job load accordingly and organize how various tasks take you.

Time-boxing is a robust approach, but use it only when necessary!

How can I use the method of time-boxing?

These are the three ways to do time-boxing in your business.

Fix your duties and objectives

The first thing to do is to draw out an overview of your coworkers’ efforts. Refer to the urgent duties to be carried out before the deadline. Timeboxing may initially feel like binding to the workforce productivity inside that period in which they carry out the assignment. However, it would help them enhance their skills over time.

Reward Your Team

Reward them for their effort if your staff is working hard to carry out their jobs within a time frame. It helps you boost the momentum of your team productivity. They, therefore, try their utmost to push ahead and strive to attain all the precise objectives without delaying the dates.

Choose a completion program.

After a list of tasks has been established, a timeframe will be determined to carry out the task before reaching the deadlines. Occasionally staff may or maynot be able to accomplish the job on time owing to external interruptions and other delays. In this instance, you can give them additional time before they finish their assignment.

Time To Wrap It Up

Timeboxing with committed and motivated staff can be highly beneficial for claiming an efficient workflow! Through the above tactics, you can make your business more productive. Make sure that your personnel are not too vigorous. You can also add an extra burden to staff.

Screenshot Monitoring | What Is It And Is It Legal At Workplace?


A screenshot monitor is just one of the many capabilities available in time-tracking software. Its purpose is to give the employee immediate insight into their activity during the time tracking period.

This data can be collected over a long period to provide enough information for future project management details. Project managers will be able to make more precise estimates regarding future project completion times with this information.

The reason behind the organizations completing their projects in a given time frame is somehow related to screenshot monitoring. More work can be accomplished with better project management.

It is where a screenshot monitor comes in handy, especially if you’re outsourcing and your staff is spread out throughout the country. Any employee’s progress can be tracked more readily by a business owner or project manager, regardless of where they are located.

Whose Time Is It in the Office?


Let’s start by determining if employers have the right to know what all their employees do during official working hours. On this subject, there are two main points of view.

The first is the assumption that the time employees spend in the office performing the tasks for which they are compensated is the company’s time. After all, they use corporate computers and equipment, work for and on behalf of the firm’s clients and projects, and, most crucially, they are paid to devote their time to the company. My house, my rules are the principle. Because employees use the company’s computers, everything they do could be considered relevant to the employer’s knowledge. They could be doing something unlawful, leaking information, and so on.

The second point of view is that even though employees utilize business computers and networks and are expected to work on company tasks, keeping our professional and personal lives separate for eight hours a day is difficult. Employees have the right to check their accounts or enjoy some entertainment during their required break times, at the very least.

But, Is Using Screenshot Monitor Legal?

Screenshot Monitoring

If you are in business, you might be questioning if using a screenshot monitor is illegal and immoral. To clear up any doubts, we’ll go over why it’s legal and to what extent it is.

Employers are concerned about their data and employees’ privacy. Therefore, they may believe that monitoring employees is illegal before deploying it.

Employers use software to track their employees’ actions, such as which websites they visit, how long it takes them to accomplish a task, and how long it takes them to take a break; there is even a tool that allows managers to snap screenshots of all employee desktop activity. All of this is achieved with the help of Screenshot Monitor.

This type of software is advantageous to the firm because it automates various procedures and aids in better performance estimation. The software will boost efficiency while also safeguarding critical information and ensuring that work is error-free.

Types of Screenshot 

What determines whether or not Screenshot Capturing is legal?

The usefulness of the feature is the most important criterion in determining whether or not screenshot monitoring is legal. It’s all up to you. You can take a screenshot of the employees’ activities manually, or make the most out of your software by letting it screenshot every minute of the day.

There are two methods for implementing screenshots.

Manual Screenshot

You can manually activate this screenshot implementation by selecting the time with time tracking statistics and the employee whose Desktop Activity Screenshot you want. Employees perceive this strategy to be more focused and unfair. When you need to ensure work proof for many employees, this is also considered inefficient. You can select to enable the function just when it is required.

Automatic Screenshot

The screenshot of employee activity is taken automatically by the systems for the designated group of employees. This method is more equitable because no employee will feel singled out.

Monitoring turns out to be legal. It is beneficial in situations where employees work on client data and on corporate premises and time. Employers have a right to know if all processes are compliant with industry standards. Employees have the right to personal privacy and freedom during their breaks, and some precautions should be made to ensure that this right  is respected.

Also Watch: EmpMonitor – Best Time Tracking Software | Productivity ManagementConclusion


So, let’s sum everything up quickly. Given that employers have a right to know how their equipment, data, and time are used, and that workers have a right to some personal freedom even at work, it’s fair to conclude that employee screenshot monitoring should (and is) lawful, but you must be careful how you use it to make it ethical.

7 Best Tactics For Employee Fraud Prevention In Your Organization.

“That could never happen here! How would someone ever steal from our company? The in-house audit people will catch it if someone tries anything. My coworkers are like family! I can’t believe someone can do that!”  

Does that sound familiar? Most of the small and mid-sized businesses are exposed to fraud happening compared to large organizations. It becomes even more complex when the management is filled with loopholes, and people take advantage of it.  

In this article, we are going to discuss employee fraud prevention tactics in small and mid-sized firms. There are mainly three types of employee frauds that need attention- Data theft, Financial fraud, and Misuse of assets. Not every organization has the capital to spend on fraud prevention measures! Hence, you do not need to worry. Many monitoring tools by your side can let you detect and prevent such fraudulent practices from happening in your business.

Keep Reading!

How much do you know about your employees?

Do you really know your employees?

Many business owners assume that the employees are loyal, work hard, and have the good interest of the organization in mind. Although this may be true for the most part, things happen beyond our control, and sometimes good people make bad decisions. If you look in the mirror at your organization and consider the so-called swindle triangle in your business may help you recognize areas where your business may be at risk. By scrutinizing and dissecting the behavioral traits of employees, you could be able to learn about potential fraudulent risks. 

Generally, a fraud is more likely to occur in an organization if there is:

  • Opportunity (insufficient controls),
  • Rationalization (I deserve a raise, I’ll give it back, I’m just borrowing it, etc.)
  • Stress (financial pressure, legal problems, problems at home).
Here are seven measures you can take to detect and prevent employee fraud-

Train Your Employees

Nowadays, it has grown considerably essential to train your employees to know about the warnings of fraud-prone areas in business. Employees are used to seeing the type of fraud that occurs when a credit card gets stolen, an identity is stripped, or there is a violation of information, not necessarily a trusted bookkeeper of 20 plus years skimming one thousand dollars a week for five years. In this case, make your employees aware of the fraud risk policies of your company. If you educate your employees, you may find that honest employees start asking questions when things look out of character, and they may assist in revealing any potential issues sooner.

Implement Internal Controls

Internal management control is the primary thing that should be planned, as it helps to track everything happening in your firm. Internal controls are implemented to safeguard company assets, ensure integrity, and deter fraud and theft. For this, segregating duties will help you in maintaining a healthy work environment. There are five main components of the internal control framework that you need to manage in your business and types of fraud prevention

  • Control Environment: Make sure that you have a healthy work environment where employees have the confidence to work without any stress.
  • Risk Management: It’s a part of the business where you have to identify and control any errors or threats that may cause losses to your firm.
  • Control activities: If there are any fraud activities detected, you have to stop them immediately.
  • Communication: Communicate with your employees to prevent any mishaps or errors in your business.
  • Monitoring: Make use of the best workplace monitoring tools like EmpMonitor to manage internal control in your organization.

Hire Experts

To handle the legal consequences of your business, you can hire experts who can assist you in financial and legal matters. There are CPAs (Certified Public Accountant) and CFEs (Certified Fraud Examiner) services you can hire to take better control over any employee fraud actions. These experts can provide a wide array of services including, internal control audits, rhetorical analysis, an internal control symptomatic review, and other comprehensive consulting engagements to assist in fraud obstruction. So hire them and let them handle your business, and you can have time to do something else and not in the weeds laying down controls that you are not experienced at. 

Make Sure Your Business Is Insured

Fraud is here to stay- ask your insurance provider. Are you insured for damages caused by scams, theft, or cybercrime? If not, you should ask your insurance provider what coverages are available. Business fraud can happen to anyone and can result in damages beyond money, including reliability, employee morale about the future, and loss of customers.

Improve Team Communication

Communication is the key to success, and it can surely help you reduce fraud happening in your business. With a collaborative team, you can propose better corporate culture to associate fair job practices. Nowadays, many organizations have an open door policy where employees can question their superiors/employers about suspicious activities. In such a case, management should encourage their employees to be more confident and expressive. 

Keep A Close Check

After implementing the above employee fraud prevention methods, It is necessary to keep a check and follow all the step-by-step processes to prevent any fraudulent practices. Strengthen the monitoring policies in your company to check on any suspicious actions that may cause threats to your production. By performing these fraud prevention measures, you can improve work performance and productivity in your business.

Employee Fraud Prevention Software/Tools

According to the ACFE (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) report, the best way to prevent such efforts is by making them more visible. Therefore, many businesses are deploying employee monitoring tools to keep a check on the employees that involve overall web monitoring. With employee monitoring, the management can detect the mistakes of their employees. And take preventive measures accordingly. 

Here are the top 4 software options to pick from: 

  • EmpMonitor
  • InterGuard
  • ActivTrak
  • Teramind

Also watch: How To Manage Employee’s Workplace Behaviour Analytics? | EmpMonitor How-To Tutorial

Wrapping Up

The world is getting more agile, people are getting smarter, and the efficiency of a single individual is growing. Taking fraud- mildly is what the individuals hacking into your system now are wishing. Eventually, it may come knocking at your door. These top 7 employee fraud prevention measures can be helpful and come in handy. 

Attendance Management Software: Small Guide On It

When creating a digitally enabled work environment, comprehensive attendance tracking technology becomes essential. Not only is it in charge of keeping track of employee movements, but attendance management systems may also help with compliance.

However, because practically all organizations have adopted a remote work culture, sustaining employee attendance has become critical for businesses. As a result, rather than using traditional hand-written timesheets, all firms should employ attendance or time management software to avoid compliance concerns, payment problems, and other concerns. Employee attendance is now more managed thanks to the software.

Here in this article, we will discuss a small guide on attendance management software.

So without wasting much time,

Let’s take a closer look.

What Exactly Is Attendance Management?

An attendance management system is any solution that aids in the monitoring of an employee’s time spent in the office. Interestingly, this does not have to be a digital tool — some of the older types of attendance tracking include paper registers, time clocks, and Excel-based spreadsheets.

However, with technology growing at breakneck speed and corporations considering large, remote work, attendance tracking technologies must keep up. It has resulted in the development of specialist software for employee time monitoring, that ranges from on-premise software to cloud-based systems with advanced analytics and automatic schedule setting. A cloud-based attendance management system has the advantages of flexibility, cost efficiency, and cross-device and platform accessibility. And a number of characteristics make these products vital for modern businesses.

Time Attendance Management Software Must-Have Features

Whether you choose an on-premise or cloud-based attendance management system, these four features will serve as the foundation for employee time monitoring. As a result, the following characteristics should include in your checklist:

1. Keeping track of when you clock in and out

Employees can give their clock in, record break intervals, and clock out time at the conclusion of the workday using magnetic card readers or customized phone numbers, which is a need for attendance management. Card readers are beneficial because they decrease the possibility of fraud or “proxy” clocking in

2. Leave administration

Another area where your attendance management system should help is with leave management. A missing day should not be automatically recorded as “absent”; the first employee should be notified to apply for leave or make any specific attendance demands (such as half-day).

3. Payroll incorporation

If your attendance management system is linked to payroll, pay is computed based on time worked after reconciling any allowed leaves or paid time off (PTO). Keep in mind that this does not only apply to daily payroll. A helpful piece of software will also handle hourly wages and flexible payments.

An Attendance Management System’s Nice-to-Haves

Now that you’re aware of the must-have features for attendance management. Let’s take a look at a few nice-to-have features that may help your staff become more productive while also saving you time and effort.

1. Attendance by biometrics

If you have a large staff with specified clock-in and clock-out times, biometric attendance is ideal. A contact center, for example, will have a nine-hour shift with over a hundred agents. By employing the employee’s fingerprint or another personal identity for attendance authorization, biometric technology removes the possibility of fraud.

2. Missed clock-in notifications

Employees frequently forget to clock in after taking a break or skip clocking out to leave at the end of the workday. Managers/employees will get notified of these abnormalities through automated notifications, which will urge prompt action.

3. Integration of a calendar

An attendance management system may also be linked to digital calendars like Google Calendar, Outlook, and others. It notifies everyone on the team of a person’s availability. Calendar connections are especially for remote teams since they allow you to check on a person’s attendance via a shared calendar.

What Are The Benefits Of Attendance Management Software.

1. Accuracy: 

We humans make mistakes, but the software deployed in your installation does not. It is no longer the case that people kept track of their employees’ attendance on a piece of paper or in an attendance register, which employees signed as they entered and exited their workplace.

2. Productivity: 

When you control your employees’ attendance with employee tracking software, you save a lot of time that you can utilize to boost your employees’ productivity.

3. Real-Time Tracking: 

Attendance management software generates real-time information. It monitors staff attendance and offers real-time statistics.

4. Security: 

Modern software is thoroughly guarded with security mechanisms and architecture. As a result, there is no possibility of theft in the organization.

Best  Tool For Attendance Or Time Management Software

Are you concerned about your organization’s attendance management? No need to be concerned! We’ve compiled a list of the finest attendance control software to help you reduce stress and manage staff attendance. There are attendance monitoring software options available on the market. However, when it comes to attendance control software. 

EmpMonitor is the only software product that can compete. It is employed by the majority of businesses that provide customer service. It is the employee monitoring software application that tracks all of the employees’ activity from the moment they log in to the moment they log out. It handles the attendance in this manner.

Also watch; EmpMonitor – Best Time Tracking Software | Productivity Management

Time To Wrap It Up

All companies who want to maximize cash flow and handle payroll of their employees need to have access to attendance control software. This software is a must for any organization that does business through remote personnel. Understand your company’s needs and choose the finest attendance management software for it. I hope you found this article interesting and also cleared your doubt.

Timeboxing: A Powerful Skill To Boost Your Productivity!

Being productive has always been a goal in every profession. The reason why many companies are constantly looking for new methods to improve productivity in their business. Timeboxing is one of the methods to boost overall productivity and manage your work-time efficiently. 

Timeboxing is a very simple and modern time management technique that can assist you to take sufficient control over your schedule. 

It’s also a very effective procedure for training self-discipline and organizing your schedule so that your most important tasks come first. With timeboxing, you can also be more attentive to how much time you spent on a particular work and avoid overdoing it. 

Let us understand what exactly is Timeboxing and traverse it to tell you how to use it for gaining more benefits for your business.

What Is Timeboxing?

It simply means that you open your calendar and enter a block of time that you’ll spend on a specific task in the future. Basically, Timeboxing means setting a fixed amount of time in your calendar for a particular work. It is like scheduling an important meeting on your schedule, you can say an effective time management plan. 

The concept of timeboxing gained popularity when Elon Musk started using the timeboxing method to create 5 minutes tasks throughout the day. And he claimed that this method helped him manage two companies while also having enough time to spend time with family.

Benefits Of Timeboxing

There are multiple benefits of time management at work. It can help you to improve your production cycle and track the work progress. Here are some of the benefits-

  • Avoid time delays on your procrastinated tasks and projects to complete them before deadlines
  • You can more easily set stern limits on how much time you will spend on a particular task 
  • Boost your productivity and focus if you make sure that nobody hinders you or diverts you while working on your task 
  • Deal with perfectionism and any over-processing and overdoing of tasks
  • You can avoid late delivery, low quality, and over-doing and over-processing tasks
  • If a team has a deadline to finish a work, they work more efficiently to reach the goal
  • Sometimes we can become lousy and neglect some of the crucial tasks but, with timeboxing, you can avoid the avoiding attitude. So that you can put more effort and try to reach perfection in your work
  • It helps the employees to measure their performances to improve their professional skills

How To Use Timeboxing Methods?

Here are the four ways to implement Timeboxing at your workplace-

Set your tasks and goals

The initial thing to do is preparing a list of work that needs to be done for your teammates. Mention the urgent tasks that need to be completed before the deadline. Initially, timeboxing may feel like bonding to the workforce in which they need to complete the task anyhow within the given time frame. But with time, it would help them to improve their professional skills.

Decide a time frame to complete 

After creating a list of work, the next step is to determine a time frame to accomplish the job before touching the deadlines. Sometimes due to external interruption and other delays in the work, employees are not able to finish off the task on time. In this case, you can provide them some extra time to finish their work beforehand.

Assessment of work

After setting up timeboxing, schedule your task by giving it limited time slots, called timeboxes. Make sure that your team is following it and organize a brief session to measure the performance of your employees.

Reward your team

If your team is working hard to complete their tasks according to the timeboxes, reward them for their efforts. It would help you to improve the impulse of your employees. So they would try their best to keep moving forward and try to reach all the exacted goals without abstaining from the deadlines.

Timeboxing in agile software development

Timeboxing in agile software development, there are several types of meetings that are fixed in advance.

Timeboxed meetings in agile software development are:

  • Everyday scrum– A 15-minute daily synchronization meeting that occurs every day at the same time and habitually in the same place.
  • Sprint planning– It’s planning, where a team decides which task can be done in the next sprint, usually in seven days with a limit of two hours.
  • Race review– The team reviews all the work that has been done, hasn’t been done, has been added, was removed from the sprint, with a time limit of one hour.
  • Sprint retrospective – It’s a meeting at the end of the race, where a team does a retrospective of all the work that has been done so far.

Wrapping Up

Timeboxing can be very propitious to claim efficient workflow, with a committed and motivated workforce! The above mentioned strategies can help you accomplish more genuine productivity in your business. However, make sure to not be too vigorous to employees. Putting more load on employees may also boomerang you.

Track Employees’ Attendance: A Small Guide On It

We all know that the workplace culture has changed dramatically during the last few decades. Employees nowadays are seeking possibilities to work from home. Nearly every other employee is working remotely in this pandemic situation. 

But the main issue that every organization is facing – how to maintain the record of employee attendance and productivity even when they are working remotely from their home location.

Here comes the importance of track employees’ attendance, which will help the employer to know who is really working and who’s not. 

And that’s what we will discuss in this article

Here we break this into some points:

  1. What Is Employee Attendance Tracking and How Does It Work?
  2. Why Would A Company Require An Employee Attendance Tracker?
  3. The Four Methods Of Employee Attendance Monitoring
  4. The Advantages of Attendance Tracking Software

What Is Employee Attendance Tracking and How Does It Work?

Employee attendance tracking is the practice of recording when an employee begins and concludes their workday.

As a physical record in many organizations they use ledger for this purpose. But nowadays, dedicated staff attendance monitoring solutions are getting pretty popular.

What is the reason behind this?

It allows them to instantly access and evaluate their workers’ work patterns, attendance, and employee productivity. It’s also considerably easier to track staff hours with software than it is to do it manually using a ledger.

Why Would A Company Require An Employee Attendance Tracker?

It’s somewhat simple! Employers can use attendance monitoring software to keep track of their employees’ attendance. This program aids companies in keeping track of every aspect of their workers’ working hours.

Companies can use it to discover who is present, absent, taking a half-day, or not working at all.

The Four Methods Of Employee Attendance Monitoring

1. The use of keycards

Keycards come in a variety of shapes and sizes. But they always entail personal identification cards for employees that used to clock in and out of work. With each new entry, the data is automatically recorded in a central database.

2. Instructions

The oldest way in the book (literally) is manually inputting and storing records.

Manual input once done using ledgers or paper timesheets is now commonly done with an Excel spreadsheet or a similar digital timesheet.

3. Biometric information

Biometric data input is a technologically advanced and contemporary technique of track employees’ attendance. To identify oneself these scanners employ biometric data that is unique to each person.

4. Employee Attendance Software

These are the software which lets you monitor attendance of your employees and keep their record. One of these excellent attendance monitoring solutions is EmpMonitor.

EmpMonitor is a time-tracking and employee-monitoring solution that helps you keep track of and control the activities of your employees. It offers a number of features that assist you in keeping track of your employees at work. EmpMonitor is easy to include in our list of the best keyloggers. It allows employers to participate in all data collected during working hours.

Here we are sharing one video related to EmpMonitor that will help you to understand tracking software more clearly.

The Advantages of Attendance Tracking Software

1. It improves productivity and accountability.

Person attendance tracking software helps you to keep track of how many hours each employee works and what tasks they perform during that time. It allows you to track each employee’s productivity and identify areas for improvement, resulting in increased team efficiency.

2. Enhances security and precision

Traditional methods of documenting employee attendance, such as signing in and out in a ledger, sometimes lack security protections to safeguard employees’ information.

After all, with several people having access to these documents, anything may change!

Anyone could steal or make up the employee attendance records if they wanted to.

3. Allows for remote work

The employee will be able to give attendance from several corners of the globe, and still, it can be tracked. It is very beneficial for the employee to select the workplace according to themselves.

4.Employees are paid in full and on time when attendance is tracked.

Payroll benefits greatly from employee attendance tracking. Because exact hours are accessible, nonexempt employees are never overpaid or underpaid. Employers can compute overtime compensation well and, if required, dock pay accordingly.

Time To Wrap It Up;

I hope this small guide on Track Employees’ Attendance has helped you understand why tracking employees is essential for every organization.

How Work From Anywhere Is The New Normal For Corporates

With advancements in technology, there are higher chances of establishing a successful work from anywhere work program. When your organization is ready to implement the program, work from anywhere is a great policy to fetch a lot of benefits for companies. Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

How Do People Work Remotely?

Even after the pandemic ends or the economy reopens, executives have indicated in surveys that hybrid models of remote work for some employees are here to stay. There are a variety of ways in which people can work remotely. People can choose to work in a way that makes the most sense for their circumstances. 

For example, some people can work remotely for the majority of the working week but have to travel to in-person meetings at the office one day a week. On a regular day, these work from anywhere employees work from their home offices and can work from their company’s office when it’s necessary. The potential for remote work depends on the mix of activities undertaken in each occupation and on their physical, spatial, and interpersonal context. 

How Do People Work Remotely?

As technology continues to advance, remote work is becoming more common in a multitude of industries. From those that you’d expect like the tech, freelancing, etc. sectors along with, those that are a bit more surprising like education, healthcare, law, etc. remote jobs can be found in nearly any industry. 

Software Engineer

No list of location-independent jobs is complete without mentioning software engineering. This is also one of the easiest types of work for getting an employer to let you go remote. 

Web Designer

As a web designer, you’ll work closely with the tech-focused people in an organization – like software engineers – but you won’t need the same technical background.

UX/UI Designer

In this job, you’d focus entirely on what an online user sees when interacting with your company’s software and website.

Product Designer

This is another great job that can be done by remote working employee, especially in an industry like technology.

Product Manager

Whether you join a large tech company or a smaller start-up, product management is a career with the possibility to go remote.

Content Marketer/Graphic Designer

It’s also one of the best fields to find remote jobs since almost nothing you do requires you to be in a physical office location.

Social Media Manager/Digital Marketer

Any company with a website or online presence needs digital marketing help. These companies are easiest to adopt remote work. 

Attorney/Accountant/Account Manager

It’s possible if you could find an employer that allows you to work remotely, for these positions. 

Also read: EmpMonitor – Best Employee Monitoring Software l Employee Productivity Monitoring Software


As technology continues to advance, remote work is becoming more common in a multitude of industries. For most companies, having employees work from anywhere outside the office will require reinventing many processes and policies. The ability to work remotely also depends on the need to use specialized equipment. Thus utilizing top employee monitoring equipment. Therefore instead of resisting the change, organizations should improve their remote work policies and capabilities. 

Remote Keylogger: Things To Know Before Monitoring Your Employee

Remote work is not just an option as it has become a requirement for all of us in order to maintain social distance and protect ourselves from the lethal infection. Many individuals are having a great time during this time, while others are still trying to figure out how to fit into this new notion! Extroverts, in particular, cannot go a single day out without partying outside.

However, so far, the pandemic has had an impact on the working processes of various businesses. Employees are undoubtedly enjoying their work-from-home time. However, organizations are finding it more challenging to manage their whole remote workforce. And also, for security purposes, keylogger software comes in demand.

In this article, we will discuss a small guide on how to monitor employees using a remote keylogger.

So, let’s get started.

Firstly, we’ll discuss keylogger?

Keyloggers or remote keyloggers are a kind of hardware or software tool for monitoring and recording computer operations. They monitor a computer keyboard’s keystrokes. They collect detailed information about the websites that the employee visits on the internet. It allows companies to keep track of what their employees are doing on their work device (PC or Laptop).

Now we will move to our next point about whether it is legal to use a keylogger.

Is It Legal To Track Keystrokes Of Employees?

Is this a problem you’re having as well? Yes, using a keyboard monitoring gadget is both legal and mild. You only need permission to install it on any device if you want to use it. However, implementing a stealth mode keylogger program while utilizing it to monitor your staff is frequently approved. Employers can use keyloggers to monitor their employees’ activity, earning them a legal mark. The device is operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and gives comprehensive data. It also helps to save time by reducing the amount of time spent each day monitoring the assignments completed by each member. It also aids in increasing employee productivity and efficiency. 

Our next point is how does it work?

How Do Keystroke Loggers in the Workplace Work?

Keyloggers operate by interfering with the chain of events that take place between the time a key pressed and the time information about the keystroke appears on the monitor. Each keystroke recorded, and the data saved in a tiny file that automatically uploaded or accessed later. Some software also records mouse clicks. The majority of keystroke logging software operates by intercepting notification that a key has been pushed using a “system hook.” When a user presses a key, the keyboard generates two “scan codes”: one when the user presses the key and another when the user releases it. Keystroke loggers can intercept these two scan codes in order to record which keys are pushed. A keystroke logger can intercept data about keys pushed at various points in the keyboard processing sequence and send it to the keystroke logger software’s administrator. The keystroke logger may provide the required data to the management console regardless of where the information is intercepted.

Next point:

Keystroke loggers can be used for both good and bad.

Many individuals first learn about keystroke loggers from reading about hacking occurrences in the news. Keystroke logging software sometimes used by hackers because it gives them the information they need without requiring them to contact directly with computer users. Keyloggers used to gather people’s passwords, banking information, credit card numbers, and other sensitive personal data (such as Social Security numbers). It can also be used to steal identities or get access to people’s banking or credit card accounts.

A keystroke logger is serviceable for a variety of reasons. Keystroke logging software sometimes utilized by law enforcement agencies. It will monitor criminal activities online by people who are under investigation. To learn more about what their children are doing online, parents can install a keystroke logger on their child’s computer. 

In addition, a growing number of companies are employing keystroke recording software to track employee productivity and safeguard against insider threats and data leaks. Companies that do this must follow all applicable laws, differ from state to state and country to country. When a corporation decides to utilize a keystroke logger, it should include a description of keylogging software in its business computer policy so that employees are aware of the practice.

A tool that will help you to monitor your employee keystrokes.

EmpMonitor is a time tracking and employee monitoring system that allows you to keep track of and manage your employees’ actions. It has a lot of features that help you keep track of your staff at work. It is pretty simple to add EmpMonitor in our list of the finest keyloggers. It enables employers to become involved with all data collected during working hours.

Also watch; EmpMonitor – Best Time Tracking Software | Productivity Management

Time To Wrap It Up;

Small business owners can improve their operations and better monitor staff behavior by installing remote keyloggers in their technological devices. I hope this article helped you to have knowledge about keyloggers.