A Guide on Internet User Monitoring

Internet User Activity Monitoring

As we all know, monitoring your employees is nothing new. Since the very beginning, this practice has been implemented for offline works as well. 

In each field, tracking the employee records plays an important role for on-site or office works. 

So what’s new in it?

Now, the practice has been modernized. With growing internet users and its dependency, monitoring internet users has become an indispensable aspect for any company and business.

Let’s know more about internet user monitoring systems.

What is Internet User Monitoring?

Internet monitoring is the use of computerized systems to automatically monitor, collect, stockpile, inspect and report the information and details about how an employee is performing the particular job.

Generally, monitoring is used to improve the productivity of employees to meet the need. Also, keeping track of activities makes the organization complete and accomplish the mission.

Only, the term monitoring can be defined as storage and checking of employee files and computer activities.

No matter whether the employees are working from the office or respective remote places, keeping a record of their duties and tasks should be a part of daily actions.

Employee Internet Usage and its Importance

Technology has increased our prolificacy in a good way by lessening our efforts and hard work on a research basis.

Now the scenario is changed by the technical world by converting hard work into smart work. It has been conceivable for people to work from home these days.

What is the work of Internet Usage Monitoring of an Employee?

Stay up to Date with Internet User Monitoring

This software is simply installed in the system which is to be used by the user and then after the setup procedures, e-mails and files of an individual are timely backed up for recovery purposes and updated for the same.

In addition to it, the network activities, such as login and logout times, generally come under log files which are kept by the network operating system. 

Here, all the web activity recordings are kept by default in the form of history files, cache, cookies, and logging times on the server, and also on the clients.

Upsides of a monitoring system generally provide the following statements for doing so:

  • Increase employee productivity
  • Security protection of confidential information
  • Increase in network execution
  • Supports in regulatory compliance
  • Helps in capacity and network plannings

Still, wondering how internet monitoring can uplift your business management and productivity?

Don’t be worried. Here you can peep in and check in detail on the same. 

A kind note for you: Consider reading the article, rather than regretting afterward.

Let’s have a glance at the below-mentioned points to clarify your queries on internet access and legalize forms.

Some unacceptable Internet Accesses

A Big NO For These Internet Accesses
  • Visiting Internet sites that may be offensive.
  • Usage of the Internet or e-mail for any other activity or personal usage.
  • Copyrighted materials without any prior concern of the copyright owner/admin.
  • Uploading or downloading commercial software or any copyrighted materials to any external or unauthorized parties.
  • Intentionally interfering with the normal operations of the network.
  • Propagation of computer or system viruses and derived high volume traffic, which substantially hinders others in their use of the network.
  • Wasting working hours on non-business activities.
  • Misusing time by playing games, streaming audio or video material is not beneficial to the organization. 
  • Reveal or publicize classified information which includes, 
  1. financial information of the company
  2. confidential particular client information
  3. marketing strategies
  4. databases of the company profile
  • Creating controversial issues through internet business platforms.
  • Company’s internet usage should only be done for professional works dedicated to the particular company.
  • Leaking any sort of executable files, including programs, applications, and so on. Downloading such content is only limited to IT Department personnel.

So what do you think? Can Internet user monitoring can create better privacy and security for your company?

From this article, we hope you have a clear vision of how it can boost your work field and protect your business from unethical access.

It can turn out to be one of the most powerful software to work with. It completely depends on you how you can make 100% use of it to increase your business as well as your employee’s productivity.

All You Need To Know About Activity Monitor Windows

Are you in need to troubleshoot problems, check performance, or see if an upgrade, such as additional RAM or a larger and faster drive, would be beneficial? Activity monitor Windows is a service included with the Windows operating system, which can help you perform all these functions and view these details from one place. 

The method helps in monitoring and managing computer usage. It gives complete data about the processes that are getting loaded, that is being active, the applications running behind, and the amount of memory consumption.

Activity Monitor can also recognize slow applications or applications working incorrectly. It is located in the Application folder, under the Utility folder. Once launched, all processes running on the system at that moment are monitored and displayed in real-time. 

What is an Activity Monitor?

Basically, the Activity Monitor or task manager app is intended to reveal all the processes that are running on your Windows system and how those processes are affecting your system’s hardware. It allows you to see which apps and processes are currently operating. You can cancel or quit a process that may be provoking problems, such as a crashed app or one that’s using significant resources.

With this tool, applications can be stopped or killed, which helps free up system memory and resources. Activity Monitor also provides details about how the processor app is affecting your system’s CPU, RAM, energy, disk, and network usage. It works like the eye behind a Windows desktop. 

Launching Activity Monitor:

Activity Monitor is one of the most useful tools that Windows has. Task Manager shows you all the information about your system, from systems performance to RAM management. To use it, you first need to know how to launch it on your system.

Windows offers many ways to launch the Task Manager. 

  • You can press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager or simply right-click the Windows taskbar and select “Task Manager.”
  • You can also press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then click “Task Manager” on the screen that appears or find the Task Manager shortcut in your Start menu.

The first time you launch the Task Manager, you’ll see a small, simple window. This window lists the visible applications running on your desktop, excluding background applications. 

Access More Features On Activity Monitor: 

While the Task Manager is open, you’ll see a Task Manager icon in your notification area. It’s an easy way to keep tabs on your computer’s CPU usage.

You can also right-click an application in this window to access more options:

Switch To: Switch to the application’s window, bringing it to the front of your desktop and putting it in focus. This is useful if you’re not sure which window is associated with which application.

End Task: End the process. This works the same as the “End Task” button.

Run New Task: Open the Create New Task window, where you can specify a program, folder, document, or website address and Windows will open it.

Always On Top: Make the Task Manager window itself “always on top” of other windows on your desktop, letting you see it at all times.

Open File Location: Open a File Explorer window showing the location of the program’s .exe file.

Search Online: Perform a Bing search for the program’s application name and file name. This will help you see exactly what the program is and what it does.

Properties: Open the Properties window for the program’s .exe file. Here you can tweak compatibility options and see the program’s version number, for example.

Tools For Detailed Activity Monitor For Your Employees: 

If you need benefits of activity monitoring across all your employee systems, you need a comprehensive tool to cover such large amounts of data. 

EmpMonitor is one such software to help you monitor the activity of their windows, keeping employee privacy in mind so that you get a detailed report of the computer usage of all the employees in your organization.

You can also watch: EmpMonitor- Best Employee Productivity Management Solution For Your Business

Final Thoughts:

The performance tab of activity monitor windows provides important data about the performance of different components of the system. The users can go through the details whenever required. Alongside this feature, you can employ a tool like EmpMonitor to gain more benefits of employee monitoring like an increase in production and data security.